Review of the all-Russian scientific conference «Kurbatov Readings—XXXVIII»

Berezhnaya, N. A. Obzor vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Kurbatovskie chteniya — XXXVIII» [Review of the All-Russian Scientific Conference «Kurbatov Readings — XXXVIII»], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 224235.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Berezhnaya, doctor of History, senior lecturer, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian


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International conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War

Prokopiev, A. Yu. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya k 400-letiyu nachala Tridtsatiletney voyny [International conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 217223.

Andrey Yur’evich Prokopiev, doctor of History, professor, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab., 7/9)

Language: Russian


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John Bugenhagen’s Braunshweig Church order on the reform of educatio

Lurie, Z. A., Polyakova, M. A. John Bugenhagen’s Braunshweig Church order on the reform of education, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 189216.

Zinaida Andreevna Lurie, doctor of History, assistant lecturer, Faculty of Foreign Languages, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab., 7/9)

Mariya Aleksandrovna Polyakova, doctor of Pedagogy, assistant professor, New Russian University (142181, Rossiya, Moskva, Zapadnaya ul., 9, str. 1)

Language: Russian

This publication is the first translation into Russian of an excerpt from the Braunschweig school order by Johann Bugenhagen and introduces the reader to the education reform as part of confessional reforms. School education, continuing the ideas of Melanchthon, is strictly hierarchical and prepares citizens for various ministries. The order also pays great attention to music education, which is directly related to the liturgical reform. In addition, Bugenhagen makes recommendations regarding the provision of schools, the size of the teacher’s salary and student fees, constantly recalling the need for “government” maintenance of schools.

Key Words: Melanchthon, trivium schools, gymnasiums, cantorias, Luther, Reformation


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Active material in the study of the Western European medieval city: traditions and modernity

Dmitrieva, M. I. Aktovyy material v issledovanii zapadnoevropeyskogo srednevekovogo goroda: Traditsii i sovremennost’ [Active material in the study of the Western European medieval city: Traditions and modernity], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 179188.

Marina Igorevna Dmitrieva, doctor of History, associate professor, Institute of History, Saint-Peterburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

Monograph оf N. B. Sredinskaya «Ferrara of the 14th century in the reflection of the acts of the domestic archive of Sacrati» is a comprehensive study of one of the cities of Northern Italy on the basis of unpublished acts from the archives of Saint-Petersburg and Modena. The review notes the important role of the author in the study of the material from the collection of N. P. Likhachev, the relevance of the scientific approach. The review consistently reviewed all the sections of this fundamental research and made conclusions about its importance for modern medieval studies.

Key Words: Ferrara, acts of Sacrati, contracts of sale, handwritten sources, types of acts, documents


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Spinne und Spinola. Das Bild Spaniens in der protestantischen Flugblattpublizistik während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges

Kuhlmann, Y. Spinne und Spinola. Das Bild Spaniens in der protestantischen Flugblattpublizistik während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 158178.

Yannika KuhlmannDepartment of History, Heidelberg University (69117, Germany, Heidelberg, Grabengasse 3–5; aud. 229)

Language: Deutsch

The Thirty Years War can be understood as the scene of a transnational field of conflict inwhich various parties and actors were involved. The Spanish line of the Habsburgs was one of these actors and it carried out various conflicts because of its overarching interest in power. Furthermore, the Thirty Years War is also referred to in research as the War of the Feathers, in which the warring parties dealt with political, denominational and social issues on a medial level. This article deals with the negative depiction of the Spanish monarchy during the early period of the Thirty Years War. It examines the continuity of pre-existing anti-Spanish stereotypes within the medium of the leaflet. First an introduction to the broader historical context, the role of the Spanish monarchy in the Thirty Years War, the medium of the leaflet with its characteristics as well as an explication of and some pre-existing anti-Spanish stereotypes is given. Against this backdrop two leaflets from 1621 are analyzed. The approach is limited to leaflets of German-speaking context and protestant authorship. On the first leaflet a key figure of the Thirty Years War, the military leader in services of the Spanish monarchy Ambrosius Spinola, is presented. The second leaflet shows a constellation of animal allegories. Finally, the adoption of already existing stereotypes, in a manner specific for leaflets, can be observed. This article wants to present how the political opponent was assimilated with stereotypical allocation and was presented to the readers as an enemy and responsible for the suffering during the war.

Key Words: Thirty Years War, stereotypes, Spanish monarchy, leaflets, Holy Roman Empire


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The Thirty Years War or Interwaving of the conflicts?

Ivonin, Yu. E. Tridtsatiletnyaya voyna ili perepletenie konfliktov? [The Thirty Years War or Interwaving of the conflicts?], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 142157.

Yury Evgenievich Ivonin, doctor of History, professor, Merited Scientist of Russia, Smolensk State University (214000, Rossiya, Smolensk, ulitsa Przheval’skogo, 4)

Language: Russian

The author reflects on the theme, what character the Thirty Years’ War had, the 400th Anniversary of which is taken place in 2018. He cites some definitions from the manual of the Middle Ages, «World History», the popular works of Russian authors and compares these with the number of definitions by foreign authors. He concludes that this war was simultaneously European, German and Religious war. As European war it consisted of separate little wars, which were the parts of one great all-European war in the consciousness of the contemporaries.

Key Words: Thirty Years’ War, Holy Roman Empire, Germany, Europe, religion, Emperor, princes


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Reformation and the political interests of the Hungarian nobility in the first part of the 1520s

Gusarova, T. P. Reformatciya i politicheskie zaprosy vengerskogo dvoryanstva v pervoy polovine 1520-kh gg. [Reformation and the political interests of the Hungarian nobility in the first part of the 1520s], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 123141.

Tatiana Pavlovna Gusarova, doctor of History, assistant professor, Medieval History Department, Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov (119234, Rossiya, Moskva, Lomonosovskiy prospekt, 27/4)

Language: Russian

The article studies the initial period of the Reformation in the Kingdom of Hungary (before the Battle of Mohács, 1526). Proceeding from the confessionalization paradigm, the author examines the correlation of the religious, political and social components in it. The research is based on the legislative material, i. e. the decisions of the Hungarian State assemblies of the first half of the 1520s, against the background of the most important events of the period. The author argues that, despite the penetration Lutheran ideas into the Kingdom, society didn’t yet have a clear understanding of their essence. In those years the persecutors of the heretics called all opponents of the Catholic Church «Lutherans», even if the persecuted were not familiar with the teaching of Luther. The quick reaction of the official authorities to the new doctrine, reflected in the decisions of the State Assemblies of 1523 and 1525, was caused rather by struggle within the political elite of the Kingdom, the confrontation between the so-called «Court» (pro-German) and «noble» («national») «parties», to be more exact. A part of the Hungarian magnates and noblemen behind them were concerned about the claims of the Austrian Habsburgs to the Hungarian throne and the growing influence of the Germans at the royal court, who not only supported the Austrian Habsburgs, but also openly sympathized with the ideas of Luther. They were afraid that they would lose their privileges, the participation in government, the influence on the monarch and the right to choose him. The opposition blamed of the «court» party led by the king and the highest dignitaries of the failure to defend the southern borders of the Kingdom against the Turks, who in 1521 captured Belgrade. Therefore, the National Assembly in 1523 and 1525 adopted strict laws against the Lutherans, by which they meant foreigners, and first of all, the Germans who took over the royal court, and demanded the expulsion of the latter and their place be taken by the Hungarians. Opposition threats were effective, and many foreigners (Germans) left the court and Hungary. However, this could neither prevent further distribution of the Hungarian political elite in different groups, which brought Mohács catastrophe closer, nor the eradication of Lutheranism, which, after 1526, overcame all the obstacles to its development.

Key Words: Reformation, State Assembly, Kingdom of Hungary in the 16–17th centuries, royal court, political elite, Luther, Jagiello dynasty, Werbőczy


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