Angard, L., Shishkin, V. V., Gerasimova, E. S. Neizvestnye pis’ma i dokumenty Genrikha IV Frantsuzskogo iz arkhivnykh sobraniy Sankt-Peterburga i Moskvy (1577–1609). Chast’ pervaya. Religioznye voyny (1577–1594) [Unknown letters and documents of Henry IV of France from the arhival collections of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow (1577–1609). The first part. Religious wars (1577–1594)], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2017. Vol. 3 (1). P. 267–292.
Laurent Angard, doctorant, Université Jean Monnet (42100, France, SaintÉtienne, rue Tréfilerie)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Shishkin, doctor of History, assistant professor, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya linia, 5)
Ekaterina Sergeevna Gerasimova, doctor of History, assistant professor, Institute of History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities (109012, Rossiya, Moskva, Nikol’skaya ulitsa, 15)
Language: Russian
The present publication of unknown letters and papers of the French king Henry IV is a documentary application to the Introduction initiated by the RussianFrench team of researchers and published in № 1 (7) «RSUH/RGGU Bulletin», 2017. These documents reflect the struggle for power of the prince of the blood Henry de Bourbon, king of Navarre, against the ruling house of Valois, and also against claimants to the throne, Dukes of Guise-Lorraine, which ended in his ascension to the throne under the name of Henry IV (1589–1610).
Key Words: Henry of Navarre, autographs, correspondence, Religious wars, collection of P. Dubrovsky, collection of G. Orlov, collection P. Waxel, collection of P. Sukhtelen