Prokopiev, A. Yu. Introduction
Reformation and Confessional era
Stahl, R. Martin Luther as Translator of the Bible
Pihkala, J. Prayer in Johann Gerhard’s «Loci»
Society and powers: forms of representation
Prokopiev, A. Yu., Lurie, Z. A. On the death of a hero and negligence of servants: Duke Magnus of Württemberg in the mirror of a posthumous investigation (1622)
Sidorenko, M. A. Louis XIV and his palace — Vincennes
Ivonina, L. I. European state after the Peace of Westphalia
Меkhamadiev, Е. А. Regional Military Forces: Some Notes to a New Book on Byzantine Army during the Reign of Justinian I (527–565)
Schmidt, G. A. How did identities appear in the early Middle Ages? Review on the book «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» by J. Raimakers
Schwarcz, I. Neue Interpretation der Geschichte des französischen Königshofes im XVI. Jahrhundert. Rezension des Buches: Vladimir V. Chichkine: Francuzkij korolevskij dvor v XVI veke. Istorija instituta [Французский королевский двор в XVI в. История института]
Christiaens D., Chichkine, V. A figure of the Escadron Volant: Renée de Rieux, baroness de Castellane
Gayvoronskiy, I. D. IX Academic readings in tribute to O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya (1874–1939): Chronicle of conference