Editorial ethics

The authors guarantee that all the data and materials are genuine and authentic, do not violate the rights of third parties and their publication does not disclose sensitive or confidential information. In the case manuscripts content fragments or references to works protected by copyright or owned by third parties, the authors should provide links to relevant sources, and, if necessary, grant permission of the copyright holders. A list of all references should be placed at the end of the manuscript. It is recommended to indicate the sources of support and funding of research works. The authors should be actively involved in the process of reviewing of the manuscripts, promptly provide answers to the reviewer and make necessary changes at the request of the reviewers and the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to make editorial (that do not change the meaning) changes in the original. When submitting a manuscript for publication, the author transfers the right to the editorial board to place the text of the article on the website of the edition and other Internet platforms.