Luther afterwards five centuries: thoughts on Heiko Oberman’s book

Prokopiev, A. Yu., Lurie, Z. A. Lyuter pyat’ vekov spustya. Razmyshleniya nad knigoy Khayko Obermana [Luther afterwards five centuries: Thoughts on Heiko Oberman’s book], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2017. Vol. 3 (1). P. 235257.

Andrey Yur’evich Prokopiev, doctor of History, professor, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Universitetskaia nab., 7/9)

Zinaida Andreevna Lurie, doctor of History, assistant lecturer, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Мendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

The main attention is focused on the new and the old in formation of Luther as a theologian and interpretation of connection between Lutheran and medieval views by Oberman. Could the Reformation be interpreted as a «German event»? Was it the development of the medieval tradition? What was the role of the Luther’s family in development of his personality? In what way the young monk was affected by the late medieval spiritual practices? How Luther’s worldview changed and is it possible to date precisely the appearance of the Reformation doctrine? What is the role of the devil in his theology and what main discoveries during his biblical studies were made? At last, how the first Reformation events went and how did Luther split from the old Church, what are the external and internal circumstances of his apostasy. Reflections about his own past greatly influenced on Oberman’s interpretation of Luther. His book on the Reformer could be seen as his own confession. His thoughts are from positions of modern Luther studies. The wide scopus of academic works timed to the Reformation jubilee is made. The author marks out the most important idea of the book: Luther signifies the end of the Middle ages and beginning of the Modern era, but his personality was unchanged. He was the gifted man who managed to reopen Gospel for people and led them after him.

Key Words: Luther, Reformation, biography, late middle ages, piety, Wittenberg


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The funeral sermons of the Electors of the Palatinate in the 1540s – 1570s: the first biographies?

Berezhnaya, N. A.
Nadgrobnye propovedi na smert’ pfal’tsskikh kurfyurstov 1540-kh — 1570-kh gg.: Pervye biografii? [The funeral sermons of the Electors of the Palatinate in the 1540s–1570s: the first biographies?], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2). P. 75108.

Natal’ya Aleksandrovna Berezhnaya, doctor of History, senior lecturer, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

The present article examines the funeral sermons on the death of four Palatine electors of the reformation: Louis V (Adam Bartlme (Bartolomäus), 1544), Frederick II (Hieronymus Rauscher, 1556), Otto Henry (Bartholomeus Wolffhart, 1559) and Frederick III (Johannes Schechsius, Daniel Tossanus, 1576). The author analyses the early biographical references and notes on what events in the life of the deceased princes the pastors emphasis, what virtues were considered worthy of nobility. Lutheran and Calvinist theologians, trying to influence the potential audience, described the religious choice of the Palatinate princes depending on the specific religious situation (Augsburg Interim, Peace of Augsburg, assistance to the French Huguenots). Most historians (R. Lenz, K. N. Moore, M. J. Haemig, R. Kolb) believe that biographies of the funeral sermons have individuality only in the middle or the end of the 17th century. The study of noble (M. J. Halvorson) and princely funeral sermons shows that many of individual details were also in the texts in the last quarter of the 16th century. Of great importance was the factor of the private acquaintance of the pastor with the deceased – if they knew each other well, they were coreligionists, the sermon would be more detailed and personal. This belief is well illustrated by the funeral sermon of Daniel Tossanus dedicated to the «father of the Calvinist Reformation» Frederick III: the first time we are dealing not just with religious polemics with occasional references to specific subjects, but with an attempt to create a full portrait of the prince, to tell not only about political events, but also about the youth of Friedrich, his interests, his family.

Key Words: funeral sermon (Leichenpredigt), biography, Reformation, electors of the Palatinate, Louis V, Adam Bartlme (Bartolomäus), Frederick II, Hieronymus Rauscher, Otto Henry, Bartholomeus Wolffhart, Frederick III, Johannes Schechsius, Daniel Tossanus


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