Louis XIV and his palace — Vincennes

Sidorenko, M. A. Lyudovik XIV i ego dvorets — Vensenn [Louis XIV and his palace — Vincennes], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 7295.

Maxim Anatolieviсh Sidorenko, doctor of History, assistant professor, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (630099, Rossiya, Novosibirsk, ulitsa Kamenskaya, 56)

Language: Russian

The study focuses on the history of the Château de Vincennes (Castle of Vincennes) early during the rule of Louis XIV, when the Palace of Versailles was not yet the principal royal residence, and the court often stayed in other chateaux near Paris or in the Loire Valley. Among those, the Château de Vincennes remains the least documented but, even being limited, its historiography stores evidence that the castle was then the preferred residence of the royal family and the court. As a support for this challenging hypothesis, note that Vincennes was mentioned in the story telling about the origin of the famous quotation of Louis XIV «L’état, c’est moi (The state, it is me)», which became a motto of absolutism. Thus, it is tempting to consider the Château de Vincennes as a possible competitor of the early Versailles, which was a place of great court festivities in 1660–1670. In order to prove or disprove the hypothesis, it is pertinent to pose several questions, each being applicable to historical studies of any royal residence. Which events during the rule of Louis XIV were related with Vincennes? How did that old residence of French kings help the Baroque monarch in pursuing his political course and creating a new society of courtiers subordinate uniquely to the throne? How far was the château built by previous kings useful for making representative the image of Louis XIV? Did Louis XIV use the Château de Vincennes for diplomacy and official ceremonies and what was its role in solving international problems?

Key Words: Louis XIV, Ancien Régime, French royal court, Representation of power, royal residences of France, Vincennes

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-sidorenko/

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IX Academic readings in tribute to O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya (1874–1939): Chronicle of conference

Gayvoronskiy, I. D.
IX Nauchnye chteniya pamyati O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskoy (1874–1939): Khronika konferentsii [IX Academic readings in tribute to O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya (1874–1939): Chronicle of conference], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 157161.

Igor Dmitrievich Gayvoronskiy, doctor of History, teacher of history, further education tutor, Federal Government-Funded Educational Institution Gymnasium No 66 (197348, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Aerodromnaya ulitsa, 11, korpus 2A)

Language: Russian

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-gayworonskiy/

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A figure of the Escadron Volant: Renée de Rieux, baroness de Castellane

Christiaens, D., Chichkine, V. A figure of the Escadron Volant: Renée de Rieux, baroness de Castellane, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 144156.

Daniel Christian, member of the Editorial Committee, Academy of Sciences, Literature and Arts of Agen (9, Boulevard de la République, 47000, Agen, France)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Chichkine (Shishkin), associate Professor, Department of History of the Middle Ages, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: French

This publication of unknown documents from a private French collection touches upon the biography of an aristocrat of the time of Religious Wars, the court lady Renée de Rieux de Chateauneuf, Baroness de Castellane. Newly found original sources shed light on the unknown facts of the life of a famous French woman, who was admired by contemporaries, and whose traces are lost at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Key Words: Religious Wars, 16th century, the French court, Escadron Volant, Renée de Rieux de Chateauneuf

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-shishkin/

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Neue Interpretation der Geschichte des französischen Königshofes im XVI. Jahrhundert. Rezension des Buches: Vladimir V. Chichkine: Francuzkij korolevskij dvor v XVI veke. Istorija instituta [Французский королевский двор в XVI в. История института]

Schwarcz, I. Neue Interpretation der Geschichte des französischen Königshofes im XVI. Jahrhundert. Rezension des Buches: Vladimir V. Chichkine: Francuzkij korolevskij dvor v XVI veke. Istorija instituta [Der französische Königshof im XVI. Jahrhundert. Die Geschichte der Institution], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 139143.

Iskra Schwarcz, PhD in history, professor, Universität Wien, Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte (1090, Austria, Wien, Spitalgasse 2)

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-shwarz/

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How did identities appear in the early Middle Ages? Review on the book «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» by J. Raimakers

Schmidt, G. A. Kak poyavlyalis’ identichnosti v rannem Srednevekov’e? Retsenziya na knigu «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» Ya. Raymakers [How did identities appear in the Early Middle Ages? Review on the book «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» by J. Raaijmakers], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 125138.

Gleb Aleksandrovich Schmidt, postrgraduate student, Université de Lorraine (57045, France, Metz cedex 01, UFR Sciences humaines et sociales, Ile du Saulcy, BP 60228)

Language: Russian

The review of Janneke Raaijmakers’ «The making of the monastic community in Fulda» summarizes methodological fundamentals as well as the most important results of this study, that deals with the development of monastic community of Fulda, one of the most influential and powerful religious institution in Frankish empire. Documented by a variety of narrative, documentary and archeological sources, the history of monastic community in Fulda allows understanding of a complex and continuous social process of creating and shaping group identity in this abbey, that makes Fulda thriving enterprise lasting over a thousand years. J. Raaijmakers argues that the construction of group identity was the result of conscious and never-ending work of Fulda’s abbots and community that was focused, primarily, on shaping common past and adapting it to the needs of current situation. According to her, the creation of different hagiographical texts, historical annals and common commemorative practices aimed to cope with progressing heterogeneity of the community by defining its place in the Christian world and its religious and cultural mission.

Key Words: Fulda, Carolingian, monastery, monasticism, ideology, collective identity

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-schmidt/

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Regional Military Forces: Some Notes to a New Book on Byzantine Army during the Reign of Justinian I (527–565)

Меkhamadiev, Е. А.
Regional’nye voyskovye gruppirovki: Nekotorye zametki k novoy knige o vizantiyskoy armii epokhi imperatora Yustiniana I (527–565) [Regional Military Forces: Some Notes to a new book on Byzantine army during the reign of Justinian I (527–565)], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 114124.

Еvgeniy Аleksandrovich Меkhamadiev, doctor of History, senior lecturer, Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

This paper is a review of the current study of a Byzantine scholar Clemens Koehn «Justinian and the Army of Early Byzantium» published by De Gruyter in 2018. The essence and importance of this book is that up to present times Clemens Koehn’s contribution is the only one massive generalizing study released as a single book, which deals with an army of Justinian specially and exclusively. In turn, the reviewer paid his attention to the first chapter of the book entitled «Army as a Military Tool», where Clemens Koehn considers a development of internal administrative and territorial structures of Justinian’s army. The reviewer points out that the Clemens Koehn’s main idea is a statement about a making of single regional groups (forces) (regionalen Heeresgruppen) during the reign of Justinian, i. e. expeditionary armies, which located in some strictly defined region of Empire. Clemens Koehn proves that the crucial point of Justinian’s military reforms was a making of an absolutely new grouping, that is an expeditionary army of Armenia and, respectively, an establishment of a new command office, that is a master of soldiers of Armenia (magister militum per Armeniam). In turn, the reviewer demonstrates that the circle of Clemens Koehn’s sources is composed of classical and traditional narrative authorities, such as Procopius of Caesarea, Agathias of Myrina and John Malala. Meanwhile, the reviewer argues that Clemens Koehn needs to turn more attention to epigraphic data from the times of Justinian and some of his predecessors, it would permit him to make more detailed and precise study of a history of single military units, which existed during the Justinian’s reign (for instance, the detachments of foederati).

Key Words: Justinian I, army, master of soldiers of Armenia, narrative sources, inscriptions, federates

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-mehamadiev/

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European state after the Peace of Westphalia

Ivonina, L. I. Suverenitet i vlast’ v Evrope posle Vestfal’skogo mira [European state after the Peace of Westphalia], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 96113.

Lyudmila Ivanovna Ivonina, Doctor of History, professor, Department of World History, Smolensk State Universtity (214000, Rossiya, Smolenskaa oblalst’, Smolensk, ulitza Przheval’skogo, 4)

Language: Russian

Аgainst the background of the discussion, the article analyzes the problems of sovereignty and the monopolization of power after the Thirty Years War. The fact that the Peace of Westphalia laid the foundations of modern international law and the modern political picture of the world as a combination of sovereign, independent and equal national states is being questioned today. Largely, the author agrees with the opinion that the roots of stylization and the myth of the Peace of Westphalia emanated from the works of its contemporaries, which were later developed in the era of the Old Regime and before the French Revolution of the late 18th century. The Peace of Westphalia has the highest value if we bear in mind that it led to the end of the bloody and senseless conflict and the transition from confessional to rational politics. Thereat a certain stability was achieved, which could bring the relations between states and nations to a new political equilibrium, and new forms of mutual coexistence began to take shape, actively tested in politics, economics, and culture. The new phenomenon became the world of «courts and alliances», which quite clearly drew a line between the late Middle Ages and the Modern Age in all spheres of life. In general, the internal political life of the continent from the second half of the 17th century was characterized by an inclusive monopolization process, which led to the concentration in the hands of the holders of the highest state power of all important political authorities. This process took place both in the states that took the path of bourgeois legal transformation and in the absolute monarchies prevailing on the continent. New forms of European existence were formed in close interaction of methods of adaptation and competition. The consequence of competition and a vivid example of adaptation was the regalization of European rulers and states.

Key Words: Westphalian system, sovereignty, state, the balance of power, monopolization of power, regalization, monarchy

URL: http://proslogion.ru/51-ivonina/

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