How did identities appear in the early Middle Ages? Review on the book «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» by J. Raimakers

Schmidt, G. A. Kak poyavlyalis’ identichnosti v rannem Srednevekov’e? Retsenziya na knigu «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» Ya. Raymakers [How did identities appear in the Early Middle Ages? Review on the book «The making of the monastic community in Fulda c. 744–900» by J. Raaijmakers], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (1). P. 125138.

Gleb Aleksandrovich Schmidt, postrgraduate student, Université de Lorraine (57045, France, Metz cedex 01, UFR Sciences humaines et sociales, Ile du Saulcy, BP 60228)

Language: Russian

The review of Janneke Raaijmakers’ «The making of the monastic community in Fulda» summarizes methodological fundamentals as well as the most important results of this study, that deals with the development of monastic community of Fulda, one of the most influential and powerful religious institution in Frankish empire. Documented by a variety of narrative, documentary and archeological sources, the history of monastic community in Fulda allows understanding of a complex and continuous social process of creating and shaping group identity in this abbey, that makes Fulda thriving enterprise lasting over a thousand years. J. Raaijmakers argues that the construction of group identity was the result of conscious and never-ending work of Fulda’s abbots and community that was focused, primarily, on shaping common past and adapting it to the needs of current situation. According to her, the creation of different hagiographical texts, historical annals and common commemorative practices aimed to cope with progressing heterogeneity of the community by defining its place in the Christian world and its religious and cultural mission.

Key Words: Fulda, Carolingian, monastery, monasticism, ideology, collective identity


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