
Prokopiev, A. Yu., Introduction. 2019.

Prokopiev Andrey Yur’evich, doctor of History, professor, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9)

Language: Russian


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The problems of the history of the kingdom of the Franks in a new publication on ethnic self-determination in the society of the early Middle Ages: Reimitz H. History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western Ethnicity, 550–850. Cambridge, 2015

Starostin, D. N. Problemy istorii korolevstva frankov v novoy publikatsii po etnicheskomu samoopredeleniyu v obshchestve rannego Srednevekov’ya: Reimitz H. History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western Ethnicity, 550–850. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015 [The problems of the history of the kingdom of the Franks in a new publication on ethnic self-determination in the society of the early Middle Ages: Reimitz H. History, Frankish Identity and the Framing of Western Ethnicity, 550–850. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (2). P. 132–138.

Starostin Dmintriy Nikolaevich, doctor of History, assistant proafessor, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Мendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

This review analyzes main contributions of the recent monograph to the study of the Frankish kingdom and of the representations of authority in the Merovingian and the early Carolingian period. It suggests that the strongest points of H. Reimitz’s monograph are in: 1) setting the context of ‘pastoral authority’ for the images of power constructed by Gregory of Tours; 2) proving that the image of the Merovingian ruler as the chief of the military host of the franks took hold in historiography together with the emergence of the idea of the Christian kingdom based on cooperation of the ruling secular elite with the church.

Key Words: Frankish kingdom, Merovingians, Carolingians, Gregory of Tours, church and state


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The destiny of the Duchy of Normandie (1419–1450) in the historical context of the era: an attempt to comprehend. Book review: Barone V. A. «English Normandie» of the first half of the 15th century: a way to France

Sanzharov, V. A. Sud’ba gercogstva Normandija (1419–1450) v istoricheskom kontekste jepohi: popytka osmyslenija. Recenzija na knigu: Barone V. A. «Anglijskaja Normandija» pervoj poloviny XV v.: put’ vo Franciju» (Moskva, 2018) [The destiny of the Duchy of Normandie (1419–1450) in the historical context of the era: an attempt to comprehend. Review on: Barone V. A. «English Normandie» of the first half of the 15th century: a way to France (Moscow, 2018)], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (2). P. 157–192.

Valery Anatolievich Sanzharov Candidate of Sciences associate professor Department of World History Donetsk National University (22, ul. Universitetskaya, Donetsk, 83001)

Language: Russian

The review is the analysis of Victoria Barone’s pioneering in Russian historiography monograph on medieval regional science, namely the Duchy of Normandie at one of the turning points in its development, i. e. at stage of choosing the vector of historical development. The author postulates a comprehensive approach to the problem that combines military, political, social and ideological aspects. The author analyzes who and how determined the vector of regional subordination — military, administrative, and propaganda efforts of the French-English and French kingdoms in their struggle for one of the key provinces. How the population of Normandie perceived the situation of «imposed» choice and new, militarized way of life (a «daily routine of occupation» by the author’s definition). How to determine the nature of war in the first half of the 15th century: in the author’s assessment of the historiographical situation, all «soldiers» (i. e. warriors of both sides) fought in a just war. How the problem of «brigandage» was solved: whether there is a «national» coloring in plunder and looting by retired «defenders of justice». The author describes the government’s measures to ensure order and discipline in military units, to solve the problem of their placement, financing and combat readiness. Victoria Barone pays special attention to the Treaty of Troyes as the legal basis for emergence of the Kingdom of two crowns, i.e. Franco-England and justification for existence of «English» or «Lancastrian» Normandie on occupied lands. Actually, this Normandie appears in the work as a process of its «elimination», and the military campaign of 1449–1450 as the completion of reconquest. The author pays much attention to the analysis of contemporary chronicles and French court lawyers’ arguments for insignificance of the English crown’s right to Normandie. Barone analyzes in detail the process of creating a «concept of the enemy» and the influence of anti-English propaganda on Norman society, asserting the thesis of forming a nationwide identity. The review makes some critical comments and wishes to the author about the possibilities of further development of the Normandie issue.

Key Words: Normandie, lieutenant général, hommage, ban, ariere-ban, échiquier, bailli, chevalier, brigandage


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«Our bones have dried up, and our hope has perished»: local self-awareness and the image of the history of the Württemberg burgherism of the Thirty Years War

Rusakovskiy, O. V. «Issohli kosti nashi, i pogibla nadezhda nasha»: lokal’noe samosoznanie i obraz istorii vjurtembergskogo bjurgerstva jepohi Tridcatiletnej vojny [«Our bones have dried up, and our hope has perished»: local self-awareness and the image of the history of the Württemberg burgherism of the Thirty Years War], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (2). P. 82–110.

Oleg Rusakovskiy, PhD, research fellow, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Pokrovskii bul’var 11, Moscow, Russia, 109028)

Language: Russian

The article deals with the perception of the Thirty Years war by the population and the political elite of the district town Bietigheim in the duchy of Wurttemberg. Based on the Bietigheim chronicles and supplementary documents, the author analyzes the townsmen’s ideas on the beginning and the end of the war, social-political and moral-religious meaning of its causes and consequences. The perception of the war is studied in the context of historical culture of the Wurttemberg urban commune and its ideas about itself. The author suggests that the local community was a key element of the self-identity of Bietigheim’s citizens whereas larger political bodies such as the Holy Roman Empire or Germany were less important. Seemingly, the confession had a lesser influence on the war experiences in the local perspective. At the same time, some religious and moral ideas were decisively important to perceive the war as God’s punishment for collective and individual sins. The developments during the Thirty Years’ war are under analysis in context of the massive elite change and its reflection in the town chronicles. The author comes to conclusion concerning the preservation of the older social-political and ethical patterns as the main goal of the greater part of the citizenship and its elite which was reflected in the local historical narrative and specific patterns of memorialization.

Key Words: The Thirty Years’ war, 17th-century Germany, Wurttemberg, town chronicles, historical culture, Lutheranism


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The Scottish Parliament Act 1488: Declaration regarding the death of King James III

Reva, K. S. Akt shotlandskogo parlamenta 1488 g.: zayavlenie kasatel’no konchiny korolya Yakova III [The Scottish Parliament Act 1488: Declaration regarding the death of King James III], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (2). P. 193–201.

Ksenia S. Reva, PhD student, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (7/9 Universitetskaya Nabereznaya, 198034, St. Petersburg, Russia)

Language: Russian

A translation of a Scottish parliamentary act of 1488 is provided in the article as well as a short description of events that preceded its adoption. In this respect, the mentioned political context is able to explain some of statements which are made in the act. The representative assembly that enacted the statute was gathered a few months after the death of James III of Scotland (1460-88) in the battle of Sauchieburn. The text of parliamentary decision reflected the position of the nobility, that came to power at the beginning of the minority of James IV (1488095), regarding the events of summer of 1488.

This act is known in two versions (in Latin and Middle Scots) produced in 1488. The Latin version of the text was chosen for translation, due to the fact that another version in Scots seems to be a reduction of the former one.

Key Words: Scottish parliament, representative assemblies, medieval Scotland, James III, James IV, the Battle of Sauchieburn, the Blackness Truce


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Die Nachrichtenmedien des 16. Jahrhunderts und das Bild von Russland im Königreich Böhmen

Pražáková, K. Die Nachrichtenmedien des 16. Jahrhunderts und das Bild von Russland im Königreich Böhmen, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (2). P. 30–57.

Kateřina Pražáková, PhD in history, researcher, Historical Institute of the Philosophical faculty, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice] (370 05, Tschechien, České Budějovice, Branišovská 31A)

Language: Russian

The study focuses on the development of reporting in Early Modern Europe. In the Kingdom of Bohemia the first news media, reporting letters and handwritten newspapers, occurred in the middle of the 15th century. Their reliability was appreciated much, but they were quite expensive. Therefore, just members of royal families, courtiers and other powerful noblemen could afford to order them initially. In the middle of the 16th century the situation started to change and also other social groups like rich trades, craftsmen or clergymen or scholars started to buy or borrow the handwritten newspapers. They were also ordered by some town councils and stored in the town halls.

Usually, handwritten newspapers were headed by the place and date of origin of the news. On the other hand, they nearly never contained a signature of the author. Their authors and copyists announced their names only to the customer. They feared the wrath of some powerful people, since they often revealed very detailed data in their newspapers, such as the number of soldiers involved in a military campaign.

Printed newspapers and leaflets also originated in the 15th century like the handwritten ones. Their advantage was that the printers were able to make more copies of them at once, so they could sell them for a lower price. Therefore, the printed newspapers and leaflets could be purchased also by lower nobility, merchants and common craftsmen. On the other hand, till the middle of the 17th century the printed media were disadvantaged by the slowness of the printing process. The printed newspapers and leaflets were often issued, when the news had been already known. To increase the attractiveness of the printed newspapers in this situation their authors concentrated on detailed descriptions of the events and they also took the advantage of dramatic illustrations. This definitely supported the success of the printed newspaper in the society, but at the same time led to the strengthening of the propaganda side. Printed media were usually much more tendentious than handwritten newspapers.

The first news on events in Russia occurred in the reporting of the Kingdom of Bohemia at the beginning of the 16th century. Czech nobles cared about the conflicts between Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russia in the first decades of the 16th century a lot, since at that time the Kingdom of Bohemia was ruled by the members of Jagellonian dynasty. When Ferdinand I. of Habsburg became the king of Bohemia, the interest in Russian affairs declined. It raised again in 1560ies in connection with the Livonian wars. Till the beginning of 1570ies the majority of reporting media described Russians as brutal raiders. Especially printed leaflets depicted cruel actions of the tsar Ivan IV and several of them gained much attention. However, the negative image of Russia in the reporting media of the Habsburg monarchy started to change partly after the death of Sigismund II Augustus. During the elections of Polish kings and in the first years of the reign of Stephen Báthory the Habsburgs were seriously considering possibilities of cooperation with Ivan IV. Therefore, they supported a more favourable image of the czar in the reporting. However, when the power situation in Poland changed again at the end of 1580ies by the reign of Sigismund III Vasa and the Habsburgs’ interest in cooperating with Russia declined, the image of Russians in the news deteriorated again.

Key Words: Handwritten newspapers, leaflets, image of Russia, Livonian war, Ivan IV, Habsburg-Russian relations, propaganda


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Heresy and religious consciousness through the prism of one human being. New biography of Peter Zwicker: Välimäki R. Heresy in the late medieval Germany: Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker and Waldenses (Woodbridge, 2019).

Piontkovsky, A. V. Heresy and religious consciousness through the prism of one human being. New biography of Peter Zwicker: Välimäki R. Heresy in Late Medieval Germany: The Inquisitor Petrus Zwicker and the Waldensians (Woodbridge, 2019), in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2019. Vol. 5 (2). P. 139–156.

Andrei Valerievich Piontkovsky, graduate student, Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Мendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

This review is devoted to consideration of the key derivations, which was reached by Finnish medievalist Reima Välimäki in his recent monograph. Through scrutinized analysis of the text, the author persuasively proves that the treatises Cum dormirent homines and Refutatio errorum belong to pen of Peter Zwicker. Furthermore, the contemporaries recognized of these as the one unit. The researcher also regards the impact, which the Zwicker’s treatises had to the inquisition inquest process, noticing the transition from the investigation of the organization of heretics’ communities to the enquiry of the doctrinal fallacies of the ones. This process was directly related with the prominence of the treatises of Peter Zwicker. The value of Zwicker’s works is considerable, since they mirrored the overall context of the religion outlook of Europe in the period of the Great Western Schism, which characterized by the much more eagerness of the educated laymen to insight of the catholic doctrines.

Key Words: Heresy, Waldenses, Great Western Schism, itinerant inquisitors, Peter Zwicker


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