Lebedeva, G. E., Piotrovskaya, E. K., Slyadz’, A. N. Z. V. Udaltsova kak organizator sovetskogo vizantinovedeniya (k 100-letiyu chlena-korrespondenta Akademii nauk SSSR Z. V. Udaltsovoj) [Z. V. Udaltsova as an organizer of the Soviet Byzantine studies (by 100-anniversary of the corresponding member of the Academy of sciences of the USSR Z. V. Udaltsova], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 9–27.
Galina Evgen’evna Lebedeva, Doctor of History, professor, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)
Elena Konstantinovna Piotrovskaya, Doctor of History, senior researcher, leading researcher, Scientific and historical archive and a group of source, Saint Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences (197110, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Petrozavodskaya ulitsa, 7)
Andrey Nikolaevich Slyadz, doctor of History, additional education teacher, Saint Petersburg city Palace of youth creativity (191011, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Nevsky prospect, 39a)
Language: Russian
The article addresses the life of Russian Byzantine studies scholar Zinaida Vladimirovna Udatsova (1918–1987). Her life and academic activity show high professionalism, personal conscience and masterful and energetic tutoring. Since the end of the 1950s Z. V. Udaltsova headed the Soviet Byzantine studies for more than 30 years. She managed to raise the public prestige of Byzantine studies and contributed to its international image. Z. V. Udaltsova focused on the fundamental economic and socio-political questions of medieval history and of Byzantine history in particular. In addition to the monograph on the development of Soviet Byzantine studies, she also produced a number of works on particular Soviet Byzantinists. She paid much attention to the development of Soviet Byzantine studies, also contributing to setting their direction. Her academic heritage is an example of the construction of history work and of making it accessible to the large audience. Written in a lively language, the monographs of Z. V. Udalltsova helped and help the development of historical knowledge on the medieval history and in the history of Byzantium.
Key Words: Z. V. Udaltsova, historiography, Soviet Medieval studies, Soviet Byzantine studies, Byzantium, USSR
URL: http://proslogion.ru/42-lebedeva/