Mitrofanov, A. Yu. Anselme de Lucques, la liturgie et le droit canonique de l’Église ancienne, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (2). P. 50–70.
Andrey Yur’evich Mitrofanov, doctor of History, Art and Archeology of the Catholic University of Leuvain, professor, St. Petersburg Theological Academy (191167, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Obvodnyy kanal, 17)
Language: French
The article tells about the doctrine of Anselm of Lucca during the struggle for investment. Anselm was an ally of Pope Gregory VII, who fought for the right to invest against Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV. For the success of this struggle Anselm made a Collection of canons, in which he used numerous collections of canons of late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, for example, Quesnelliana, Avellana, Pseudoisidoriana. Monuments of the ancient Liturgy of the Roman Church also found their place in the collection and influenced the language of Anselm and its system of images. The doctrine of the papal theocracy, which was defended by Anselm, made inevitable the conflict of his teachings with Byzantine ecclesiology, the basic principles of which were formulated in the early 12th century by Princess Anna Komnene.
Key Words: Anselme de Lucques, La querelle des Investitures, Anna Komnene, Collection canonique, Nomocanon, la Quesnelliana, la Avellana