Reformation and Society: Martin Bucer and Strasbourg

Ronchi, L. Reformation and Society: Martin Bucer and Strasbourg, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 7083.

Laura De Michelis Ronchi, associated professor, University of Rome «La Sapienza» (00185, Italy, Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5)

Language: Russian

The City of Strasbourg is the best pattern of the close ties between the reform of the church and the reform of the society. In few years (1523–1548) Strasbourg changed its institutes and its foreign and domestic politics. The city becomes one of the most relevant center of the Reformation and was able to welcome the different expressions of the Reformation. Martin Bucer was the author of that success. He was the man of the dialogue, able to work together with Capitone and Sturm and at the same time with authorities. The outcome was a «joint reformation» which by agreement of theologians, authorities, people made of Strasbourg the city of the refugees: reformed and sectarians (spiritualistes, anabaptistes, antitrinitarians). A peaceful revolution, a spiritual political and social revolution which was able to survive the Interim of Augusta.

Key Words: Johann Sturm, Wolfgang Capitone, magistrates, sectarians, reform, agreement, cooperation, Church discipline, Reformation


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Colloquium Heidelberg und der Dreißigjährige Krieg (17 April 2018)

Berezhnaya, N. A., Lurie, Z. A., Migunova, A. V. Kollokvium «Geydel’berg i Tridtsatiletnyaya voyna» (17 aprelya 2018 g.) [Colloquium Heidelberg und der Dreißigjährige Krieg (17 April 2018)], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 229236.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Berezhnaya, doctor of History, senior lecturer, Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Zinaida Andreevna Lurie, doctor of History, assistant lecturer, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Universitetskaia nab., 7/9)

Anastasia Viktorovna Migunova, graduate student, Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian


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International conference «Correspondence and Information Exchange in Diplomacy (1300–1750)». Lisbon, 28–30 September 2017

Erusalimskiy, K. Yu., Shishkin, V. V. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Diplomaticheskaya korrespondentsiya i informatsionniy obmen (1300–1750)» Lissabon, 28–30 sentyabrya 2017 [International conference «Correspondence and Information Exchange in Diplomacy (1300–1750)». Lisbon, 28–30 September 2017], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 223228.

Konstantin Yur’evich Erusalimskiy, doctor of History, professor, Russian State University for the Humanities (125993, GSP-3, Rossiya, Моskva, Мiusskaya ploshchad’, 6)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Shishkin, doctor of History, assistant professor, Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian


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The Document of the Period of the Schmalkaldic War (1546–1547) from the Collection of Lamoignon (RGADA)

Gerasimova, E. S. Dokument perioda Schmal’kal’denskoy voyny iz kollektsii Lamuan’ona (RGADA) [The Document of the Period of the Schmalkaldic War (1546–1547) from the Collection of Lamoignon (RGADA)], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 210222.

Ekaterina Sergeevna Gerasimova, doctor of History, assistant professor, Chair of Archives at the Institute for History and Archives, Russian State University for the Humanities (109012, Rossiya, Moskva, Nikol’skaya ulitsa, 15)

Language: Russian

The publication presents a list of letters from the collection of Lamoignon reflecting events of the Schmalkaldic War in the Holy Roman Empire in 1546–1547. One of them, written by Sébastien de L’Aubespine to the king of France Francis I in January 1547, represents a valuable testimony on the military-political events around the siege of Leipzig, and reflects the point of view of French diplomacy on the situation in Germany during the Reformation and religious schism. The full text of the autograph is published with a translation into Russian and brief comments.

Key Words: Schmalkaldic War, Lamoignon collection, French Renaissance diplomacy, Duke Moritz of Saxony, Elector Johann Friedrich of Saxony


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Notes and Extracts from the Latin Manuscripts of the St. Petersburg Imperial Public Library

Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya, O. A. Zametki i izvlecheniya iz latinskikh rukopisey Sankt-Peterburgskoy Imperatorskoy Publichnoy Biblioteki [Notes and Extracts from the Latin Manuscripts of the St. Petersburg Imperial Public Library], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 182209.


Olga Anatol’evna Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya (1874–1939), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Zinaida Andreevna Lurie, doctor of History, assistant lecturer, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Universitetskaia nab., 7/9)

Alexei Olegovich Medved, independent researcher (197341, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Fermskoe shosse, 36/27, apt. 29)

Vladimir Vladimirovich Shishkin, doctor of History, assistant professor, Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

This publication contains an article written by O. A. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya in 1914 and presenting the results of the work of her student paleographic seminar. The text doesn’t seem to have lost its scientific relevance. The stylistic and formal editing has been made, the reference tool has been expanded and provided with comments from the editor.

Key Words: history of Jerusalem, province, church cathedral, Bertholf Pilgrim, francs, Peter from Blois


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Epicurean Detective. Stephen Greenblatt’s «The Swerve: How the World Became Modern»

Kovalev, V. A. Sledstvie ob Epikure: Retsenziya na monografiyu Stivena Grinblatta «Renessans: U istokov sovremennosti» [Epicurean Detective. Stephen Greenblatt’s «The Swerve: How the World Became Modern»], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 169180.

Viktor Aleksandrovich Kovalev, doctor of History, assistant professor, Saint-Petersburg State University of the Humanities and Social Sciences (192238, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, ulitsa Fuchika, 15)

Language: Russian

In the review of Stephen Greenblatt’s «The Swerve: How the World Became Modern» criticist argues that many of the monograph’s features are linked with neohistoricism pattern. It is apparent because author is one of neohistoricism patriarchs. Emphasis on the political and ideological aspect of historical events along with projection of author’s political prejudices frames all the scheme of the text. Reviewer points that the main theme of the monograph is author’s denying of postmodern concept of an «author’s death». Neither an author, nor the idea can not die, argues Greenblatt, because all things forgotten can return in the history of thoughts. Exemplified by the history of Epicureanism, this thesis runs like a golden thread through all substance of investigation. Along with this filled with humanistic pathos idea the key question of the scale of influence of the elite book-learned culture on the popular one remains unanswered by Greenblatt. Author sophisticatedly intertwines the storyline of Epicurean philosophy invention, oblivion and rediscovering in the Renaissance with historical, bookish, dramaturgical and even with his own biographical facts and events. But sometimes, as reviewer points, Greenblatt is unfair to the characters of his text blaming them in ideological imperfection. Also due to the concept of ideas’ immortality, he remains undiscovered a great part of historical process.

Key Words: neohistoricism, history of literature, the Renaissance, history of thoughts, Neomarxism, the early Modern history, history of the Middle ages, history of philosophy


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Thirty Years War Interpreted by a Politologist

Prokopiev, A. Yu. Tridtsatiletnyaya voyna vzglyadom politologa [Thirty Years War Interpreted by a Politologist], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2018. Vol. 4 (1). P. 139168.

Andrey Yur’evich Prokopiev, doctor of History, professor, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

The article is dedicated to the book of the German political scientist Herfried Münkler, published on the anniversary of the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War with the author’s political science postulates being critically examined. Is it possible to see the Thirty Years’ War as the forerunner of modern «hybrid» and «asymmetric» wars? What are the lessons of this war for modernity and can we use the laws of modern political science to analyze the early modern times? Is the «interference» of modern sciences in the field of historical research academically correct? The work of the well-known German scholar’s is analyzed in accordance with historical approach, taking into account the latest literature devoted to the Thirty Years’ War. It is emphasized that the laws of political science, projected into the past, can hardly help to reconstruct the historical panorama of events. They only emerge further questions and doubts. For the successful argumentation of the theses, it is necessary to take into account the point of view of historians, specialized in a certain epoch.

Key Words: Thirty Years’ War, Holy Roman Empire, Peace of Westphalia, Habsburger, German Estates, asymmetrical and hybridical war, Early Modern period


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