M. A. Gukovsky and A. Parronchi

Androsov S. O.
M. A. Gukovsky and A. Parronchi, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social-History and Culture, 2024. Vol. 7 (2). P. 49–62.

Androsov Sergey Olegovich, Doctor of Art History, Chief Researcher, Department of Western European Fine Arts, State Hermitage Museum (190000, Russia, St. Petersburg, Dvortsovaya Embankment, 30-34)

Language: Russian

In the late 20th century the history of art as a science was divised to «museal» and «academic» one. Matvej Aleksandrovich Gukowsky (1898–1971) and Ales sandro Parronchi (1914–2008) are professors of university (Leningrad and Flor ence), but also authors of different attributions of paintings and sculptures of the Renaissance. Gukowsky had studied the activity of Leonardo da Vinci, but his attempt to attribute the painting «Flora» (or «Colombina») from the Hermitage was refuted. Parronchi had published five books, dedicated to unknown sculp tures of Michelangelo, but only one attribution later was confirmed. It seems that the scientific method of two savants have some similarity and must be used by new generations of historians.

Keywords: Gukowsky, Parronchi, Italy, Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, painting, sculpture

URL: http://proslogion.ru/72-androsov/


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