Arhivnye rukopisnye materialy I. M. Grevsa: k voprosu o nauchnom nasledii uchenogo

Starostin D. N., Kuleshova E. V. Arhivnye rukopisnye materialy I. M. Grevsa: k voprosu o nauchnom nasledii uchenogo, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2023. Vol. 7(1). P. 84–100.

Starostin Dmintriy Nikolaevich, doctor of History, assistant proafessor, SaintPetersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Мendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Elena Vladimirovna Kuleshova, doctor of History, assistant professor, Institute of History, Saint-Peterburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

In this article an attempt is made to investigate the place of the biography of V. G. Vasilievskii, a well-known Russian scholar of the Middle Ages and of Byzantium, written by his student I. M. Grevs, in the latterʼs handwritten Nachlass. It is shown that many documents were associated with the name of I. M. Grevs, but there were also in his Fondin the Russian Academy of Sciencesʼ Archive many other peopleʼs documents that were lumped together in an emergency during the blockade of Leningrad in 1941–1943. Considering the documents that can be safely attributed to I. M. Grevs himself, we may find that his obituaries and biographies exhibit a pattern: he wrote about his intellectual colleagues, whose concepts and philosophy he well knew and employed in his own research and teaching. Thus the intellectual biography of V. G. Vasilievski, of I. M. Grevsʼ teacher, needs to be understood as an attempt to preserve the intellectual world in which I. M. Grevs developed as a researcher and to hint at the importance of the scholastic achievement of Russian medievalists in the times of Russian great upheaval

Keywords: : V. G. Vasilievskii, I. M. Grevs, history of Russian historical science, history of the Roman Empire, history of the Middle Ages


DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-101-122

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