Ehricht, Ch. Ein neuer Blick auf die Geschichte: Neue Geschichtserzählungen von und über Frauen im Zeitalter der Reformation und in der Epoche der deutschen Romantik, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2021. Vol. 6 (1). P. 168–177.
Christoph Ericht, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für pommersche Kirchengeschichte e.V. (17489, Germany, Greifswald, c/o Landeskirchliches Archiv, Rudolf-Petershagen-Allee 3)
Language: German
The article tries to illustrate how changed the view on history and the understanding of history using the example of Reformation in the 16th century and Romanticism in the 19th century in Middle and Western Europe. The new perspectives are, on the one hand, a result of research projects about the gender role in history and historiography, on the other hand a result of female emancipation in the early Modern Times and later. We learn to understand the Reformation also as a spiritual process with great influence on the daily life and as an important step for the history of womans emancipation. The new view on history during the epoch of Romanticism is not least a result of Schleiermachers theology and is strongly connected with the so called «Historism». The new culture of «Salons» had a great influence on the urban society, also served an example for both female and Jewish emancipation.
Key words: Reformation, Romanticism, Martin Luther, New view on history, gender research, Emancipation of woman and Jews, Historism, Literary Salonculture
DOI: 10.24411/2500-0926-2021-00006