M. A. Gukovsky: Librarian and Bibliophile

Dorofeeva, G. V., Serova, N. A.
M. A. Gukovsky: Librarian and Bibliophile, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2024. Vol. 7 (2). P. 7–48.

Galina Viktorovna Dorofeeva, Senior Researcher in the Rare books and manuscripts’ sector of the Scientific Library, State Hermitage Museum (190000, Russia, Saint Petersburg, 34 Palace Embankment)

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Serova, Chief Librarian, State Hermitage Museum (190000, Russia, Saint Petersburg, 34 Palace Embankment)

Language: Russian

The article is devoted to Matvei Aleksandrovich Gukovsky (1898–1971), a well known Leningrad scholar and specialist in the history and art of the Renaissance. For 25 years, he was an employee of the Hermitage, serving successively as a Senior Researcher in the Department of the History of Western European Art, Chief Curator of the museum, Deputy Director for scientific and educational work, and from December 1, 1959, to February 1, 1969, he served as the Head of the Hermitage library. At the end of 2009, the museum received the first part of personal library of Gukovsky, among which there were 1 manuscript and 159 Western European editions from the 15th to the 20th centuries. These books were likely selected by Matvei Aleksandrovich himself and kept separately, on a dedicated shelf. Over the next two years, S. I. Braude donated another 1,233 books to the Hermitage: 199 of them were purchased (or received as gifts) by A. S. Kantor-Gukovsky, and the rest were collected by Matvei Aleksandrovich. The collection of books works by ancient and Neo-Latin authors, classics of Italian literature, the most important works of historians, literary critics, art historians in editions (and reprints) from the 15th to the 20th centuries. This list encompasses the thematic sections of the library, which he amassed throughout his life and which, without exaggeration, can be called the best personal scientific library on the history of the Italian Renaissance in St. Petersburg during those years.

Keywords: Gukovsky, M. A., Hermitage, library, private libraries, book collection

URL: http://proslogion.ru/72-dorofeeva/


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