Review on: Chugunova, T. G. William Tyndale: Word, Church, and State in the Early English Protestantism. Moskva/ Sankt-Peterburg, 2017

Tauber, V. A. Retsenziya na: Chugunova, T. G. William Tyndale: Slovo, tserkov i gosudarstvo v rannem angliyskom protestantizme. Moskva/Sankt-Peterburg, 2017 [Review on: Chugunova, T. G. William Tyndale: Word, Church, and State in the Early English Protestantism. Moskva/Sankt-Peterburg, 2017], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2). P. 175192.

Vladimir Andreevich Tauber, PhD in history, museum editor, Moscow Kremlin Museums (103132, Russia, Moscow, Kremlin)

Language: Russian

T. G. Chugunova’s book, «William Tyndale: Word, Church, and State in the Early English Protestantism», is the first biography of this prominent English theologian and translator of the Bible written and published in Russia. The author provides an overview of the life and acts of William Tyndale paying special attention to his theological works. Some of his most notable treatises were for the first time translated into Russian language and included in the book as the appendices. The reviewer analyzes the advantages as well as the faults of the monograph concentrating on the sources and the methods used by the author. In particular, the emphasis is put on the lack of author’s awareness of the modern historiography of the English Reformation which results in numerous drawbacks of the whole book.

Key Words: William Tyndale, English Reformation, Protestantism, translation of the Bible


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Review on: Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong / Ed. by R. Meens, D. van Espelo, C. van Rhijn. Manchester, 2016 164

Starostin, D. N.
Retsenziya na: Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong / Ed. by R. Meens, D. van Espelo, C. van Rhijn. Manchester, 2016 [Review on: Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in Honour of Mayke de Jong / Ed. by R. Meens, D. van Espelo, C. van Rhijn. Manchester, 2016], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2).P. 164174.

Dmitriy Nikolaevich Starostin, PhD in History, senior lectuter of Medieval History, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya linia, 5)

Language: Russian

The review article discusses the contents of the collection of articles Religious Franks. Religion and Power in the Frankish Kingdoms: Studies in honour of Mayke de Jong / Meens, R.; van Espelo, D.; van Rhijn, C. (Eds.). Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2016. In it the new approaches to the history of the Frankish Kingdom during the rule of the Carolingians are shown. In particular, the review highlights the common points in all articles, which suggest that the structures of power and the images of power were quite unstable in the Carolingian period and that they formed dynamically.

Key Words: Frankish Kingdom, the Carolingian dynasty, church


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The propositions censored by the Faculty of theology of the University of Rheims in the times of the cardinal of Lorraine. The spread of Protestant ideas, doctrinal fragility of the clerics and construction of Roman Catholicism

Restif, B.
The propositions censored by the Faculty of theology of the University of Rheims in the times of the cardinal of Lorraine. The spread of Protestant ideas, doctrinal fragility of the clerics and construction of Roman Catholicism, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2). P. 150163.

Bruno Restif, PhD in History, associate professor in Early-Modern History, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (51096, France, Reims Cedex, 57 rue Pierre Taittinger)

Language: English

The discovery of an unprecedented document, which contains the censures published in the name of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Rheims at the time of the Cardinal of Lorraine, from 1557 to 1572, is of considerable importance for the study of the spreading of Protestant ideas, of the permeability of the Catholic clergy to some of these ideas, and of the doctrinal construction of Roman Catholicism. In the 1550s, there was a censorship of heretical words spoken in the streets of Rheims by laypeople and even in a church by a parish priest. The censorship of these propositions was effective, as we can see there was no longer need to censor speeches by 1560. However, at that time, several Protestant books circulated in Reims were censored by the Faculty. In the mid-1560’s, there was a new trouble: Gentian Hervet, a famous anti-Protestant polemicist, who was in Rheims at the request of the Cardinal of Lorraine, made problematic statements in his books. Around 1570, the confessional construction conducted against the Protestant doctrinal seduction prompted the Faculty to give clear instructions to parish priests on the administration of sacraments and preaching. In 1572, it seems that the targeted persons are now canons of the cathedral chapter and parish priests. Thus, the need to fight Protestant ideas and practices compelled Catholicism to a strict confessional construction.

Key Words: censures, faculty of theology, Cardinal of Lorraine, Protestantism, books, clerics, liturgy, Tridentinization, controversy


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«As the Parish so the Priest»: Parishes of the late medieval England

Leonova, T. A.
«As the Parish so the Priest»: Prikhod pozdnesrednevekovoy Anglii [«As the Parish so the Priest»: Parishes of the Late Medieval England], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2). P. 125149.

Tatiana Alekseevna Leonova, PhD in History, assistant professor, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University (450000, Rossiya, Ufa, ulitsa Oktyabr’skoy Revolyutsii, 3A)

Language: Russian

Modern researches of the parish system note as a general trend strengthening the control of the laity on the Catholic parishes in the pre-Reformation Western Europe. The article examines problems of interaction and mutual influence of the clergy and laity of the parish communities of late medieval England basing on materials of the Episcopal registers and visitations. The paper highlights two aspects in solving the problem. Firstly, it is the influence of the opinions and actions of the laity on the status of parish clergy. Secondly, the degree of financial responsibility of the laity and clergy in the frame of so-called separated property is studied. The examined documents of the Episcopal registers and visitations indicate not only the presence of desire of the laity to get rid of his priest, but also various methods which could have benefited active leaders of the parishes. The statement in the Church from the 13th century financial responsibility of the laity led to changes in the parish community whose members had access to the resources of the Church by limiting the authority of her pastors.

Key Words: Late medieval church, episcopal registers, visitations, parish, laity, local community, parishioners, communal traditions, church-warden


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The beginning of Reformation after the «History of Italy» of Francesco Guicciardini

Youssim, M. A.
Nachalo Reformatsii po «Istorii Italii» F. Gvichchardini [The beginning of Reformation after the «History of Italy» of Francesco Guicciardini], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2). P. 109124.

Mark Arkav’evich Youssim, doctor of History, scientific researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of the Western European Middle Ages and Early New Age (119334, Moskva, Rossiya, Leninsky Prospekt, 32a)

Language: Russian

In this article the chapters from the «History of Italy» of Francesco Guicciardini dealing with the initial stage of Reformation are considered. The attitude of the Florentine historian and politician toward the appearance of Luther and toward his followers was ambivalent. Just as N. Machiavelli, Guicciardini regarded the observance of religious cult as one of pillars of society and a condition for maintaining moral health in it, but in the matter of faith revealed skepticism. Notwithstanding to his years-long service for the pope Guicciardini is extremely critical in his judgements on the Roman Curia. The propagation of Lutheran doctrine he explains in purely political reasons: weakening of supreme power and a pause in Italian Wars which distracted peoples from corresponding cares. The author of «History of Italy» blames the Pope’s shortsightedness and awkward policy which did not permit to suppress the distress in the bud. The main fault for the diffusion of the heresy he puts on German princes who took advantage of it. Guicciardini, like other figures of the late Renaissance, for example, cardinal G. Contarini, sympathizes with the ideas of renovation expressed by Luther. However, for Italians the universal Catholic Church was at the same time national, that’s why they refused every reform implying rejecting and diminishing the power of Rome.

Key Words: Guicciardini, «History of Italy», Luther, Reformation, Renaissance, papacy, Savonarola, G. Contarini


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The funeral sermons of the Electors of the Palatinate in the 1540s – 1570s: the first biographies?

Berezhnaya, N. A.
Nadgrobnye propovedi na smert’ pfal’tsskikh kurfyurstov 1540-kh — 1570-kh gg.: Pervye biografii? [The funeral sermons of the Electors of the Palatinate in the 1540s–1570s: the first biographies?], in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture. 2017. Vol. 3 (2). P. 75108.

Natal’ya Aleksandrovna Berezhnaya, doctor of History, senior lecturer, Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Petersburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

The present article examines the funeral sermons on the death of four Palatine electors of the reformation: Louis V (Adam Bartlme (Bartolomäus), 1544), Frederick II (Hieronymus Rauscher, 1556), Otto Henry (Bartholomeus Wolffhart, 1559) and Frederick III (Johannes Schechsius, Daniel Tossanus, 1576). The author analyses the early biographical references and notes on what events in the life of the deceased princes the pastors emphasis, what virtues were considered worthy of nobility. Lutheran and Calvinist theologians, trying to influence the potential audience, described the religious choice of the Palatinate princes depending on the specific religious situation (Augsburg Interim, Peace of Augsburg, assistance to the French Huguenots). Most historians (R. Lenz, K. N. Moore, M. J. Haemig, R. Kolb) believe that biographies of the funeral sermons have individuality only in the middle or the end of the 17th century. The study of noble (M. J. Halvorson) and princely funeral sermons shows that many of individual details were also in the texts in the last quarter of the 16th century. Of great importance was the factor of the private acquaintance of the pastor with the deceased – if they knew each other well, they were coreligionists, the sermon would be more detailed and personal. This belief is well illustrated by the funeral sermon of Daniel Tossanus dedicated to the «father of the Calvinist Reformation» Frederick III: the first time we are dealing not just with religious polemics with occasional references to specific subjects, but with an attempt to create a full portrait of the prince, to tell not only about political events, but also about the youth of Friedrich, his interests, his family.

Key Words: funeral sermon (Leichenpredigt), biography, Reformation, electors of the Palatinate, Louis V, Adam Bartlme (Bartolomäus), Frederick II, Hieronymus Rauscher, Otto Henry, Bartholomeus Wolffhart, Frederick III, Johannes Schechsius, Daniel Tossanus


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