Leafing through the album of A. N. Nemilov «Lucas Cranach»: The Artist and the Reformation

Lurie Z. A. Leafing through the album of A. N. Nemilov «Lucas Cranach»: The Artist and the Reformation, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2023. Vol. 7(1). P. 199–210.

Zinaida Andreevna Lurie, PhD, Researcher, HSE, Institute of Education (101000, Rossija, Moskva, Potapovskij pereulok, d. 16, str. 10)

Language: Russian

The article analyzes the album of A. N. Nemilov dedicated to Lucas Cranach the Elder. It is shown that the Reformation is considered in the album from the standpoint of official history and, accordingly, Cranach’s work is extremely secularized. However, a thoughtful reader could, nevertheless, read between the lines about a completely different Cranach. A. N. Nemilov gives a professional and accurate assessment of the artistic significance of Cranach and his talent, and this information can be easily coordinated with another theme of his work, about which the album in question «silently shouts».

Keywords: Cranach, Brueghel, Luther, Reformation, secularization, altars, engraving, portraits, Mannerism

URL: http://proslogion.ru/71-lurie/

DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-199-210

Creative Commons License

«I do not know what I am guilty of and what I am being punished for»: based on the materials of the investigative case of M. A. Gukovsky (1949–1956)

Kravtsova E. S. «I do not know what I am guilty of and what I am being punished for»: based on the materials of the investigative case of M. A. Gukovsky (1949–1956), in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2023. Vol. 7(1). P. 10–37.

Elena Sergeevna Kravtsova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher, Sector of History of Social and Political Development, Institute of History SB RAS (630090, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, 8 Nikolaev Str.)

Language: Russian

The arrest of M. A. Gukovsky in 1949 was not formally affiliated with any repressive campaign of that year: neither with the anti-Semitic campaign «against rootless cosmopolitans», nor with the political «Leningrad affair». This gave rise to the multiple versions about the reasons for his arrest. The State Archive of the Russian Federation (GA RF) keeps the investigation case file, covering the period from 1949 to 1956, from arrest of M. A. Gukovsky to his complete rehabilitation. These materials could reveal the link between circumstances of Gukovsky’ life before 1949 and his imprisonment. The case file, on the one hand, includes documents drawn up by government officials. On the other hand, it contains Gukovsky’s statement and petitions, which could be considered as a communication processbetween the accused and the authorities. Such an approach allows us to reveal, firstly, M. A. Gukovsky’s ideas about power, and to show how a scholar and an administrator forms a narrative explaining its actions. Secondly, the documents drawn up by the authorities demonstrate the isolation of both repressive bodies and commissions for the rehabilitation of the repressed persons. And furthermore, these materials contain a lot of hidden Gukovsky’s biographical details from 1917 to 1949, such as his possible participation in the White movement in the Russian Civil War. Some of these details raise the question of reexamination the scholar’s biography. In conclusion, the author arrives to the idea that Gukovsky’s arrest was primarily due to his administrative activities and proximity to the party officials which fell out of favor of J. Stalin in the 1930s and 1940s. The case file contains also the materials collected, apparently, during the Great Terror (1937–1938), when N. I. Bukharin was repressed, and the materials related to the Gukovsky’s post-war activities at the Leningrad State University led by A. A. Voznesensky, a victim of the Leningrad affair (1949–1950). Interrogation materials dated 1949–1950, however, allow to consider the Gukovsky’s repression as a part of a number of post-war campaigns against soviet scientists and artists. The first publication of petition from M. A. Gukovsky to the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee N. Khrushchev (dated August 8, 1954) is attached to the article.

Keywords: M. A. Gukovsky, Stalin’s Soviet Union (1945–1953), Stalinist repression, The Leningrad affair, Antisemitism, Amnesty and Rehabilitation, Letters to the authorities

URL: http://proslogion.ru/71-kravtsova/

DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-10-37

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John of Nikiu on the King Cambyses: Some Notes

Kholod M. M. John of Nikiu on the King Cambyses: Some Notes, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2023. Vol. 7(1). P. 173–188.

Maxim Mikhailovich Kholod,PhD in History, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Institute of History (199034, Russia, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5).

Language: Russian

The author of the article makes comments on a number of indications containing in one of the stories given in the Chronicle of John of Nikiu (late 7th century AD), namely in his story of the Persian king Cambyses (530–522 BC). The made comments help not only to clarify some separate places in the survived relevant text. They also enable to identify a circle of sources used by John while he composed his story of Cambyses, and to get the additional notions of his manner of work, as well as to contribute to a better understanding of this story as a historical source.

Keywords: John of Nikiu, Cambyses, Persian empire, ancient Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar II

URL: http://proslogion.ru/71-kholod/

DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-173-188

Creative Commons License

Special features of the historical narration of the Ethiopian scribe Məhərkä Dəngəl

Gusarova E. V. Special features of the historical narration of the Ethiopian
scribe Məhərkä Dəngəl, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social
History and Culture, 2023. Vol. 7(2). P. 163–172.

Ekaterina Valentinovna Gusarova, Ph. D. in History, Researcher, Institute
of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (191186, Russia,
Saint Petersburg, Dvortsovaya emb., 18); Lecturer, National Research University
Higher School of Economics (190121, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Soiuza Pechantikov
street, 16); Researcher, Institute of History, Saint Petersburg State University
(199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Mendeleev line, 5); Librarian, National Library
of Russia (191069, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Sadovaia street, 18).

Language: Russian

Məhərkä Dəngəl (born ca. 1540 – dead after 1633) — an Ethiopian scribe known
as the Court confessor and the Royal secretary. He acted as one of the translators of the Chronicle of John of Nikiu and the author of the first part of the chronicle
of the Ethiopian King Susenyos (1604–1632). The Chronicle of John of Nikiu
as a part of early Byzantine historiography represents a Universal history. It was
compiled in the 7th century AD, during the conquest of Egypt by the Arabic troops,
by John, Bishop of the city of Nikiu. Most probably it was compiled in Greek
and then translated into Arabic language. This compilation reached to our times
exclusively in the Ethiopian translation (in several manuscript copies). The second
opera, that is the Chronicle of King Susenyos, describes not only the events of the
King’s reign, but also the previous period of his life. Məhərkä Dəngəl was the author
of this initial part of the Chronicle. Analysis and comparison of the two texts
revealed a series of common features of lexical, grammatical and other particularities
of historical narration inherent to Maherka Dengel. Moreover, the text of the
Chronicle of King Susenyos reflects some important events of the life of its author
and his personal qualities, that inevitably left a mark on the manner of his narration.
Sometimes it led to violation of the tradition of the Ethiopian Royal historiography.
In the frame of the present research this was clearly stated.

Keywords: Maherka Dengel, John of Nikiu, Universal history, King Susenyos,
Ethiopian clergy, Ethiopian manuscripts, Historiography, the work of translator

URL: http://proslogion.ru/71-gusarova/

DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-163-172

Creative Commons License

Arhivnye rukopisnye materialy I. M. Grevsa: k voprosu o nauchnom nasledii uchenogo

Starostin D. N., Kuleshova E. V. Arhivnye rukopisnye materialy I. M. Grevsa: k voprosu o nauchnom nasledii uchenogo, in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social History and Culture, 2023. Vol. 7(1). P. 84–100.

Starostin Dmintriy Nikolaevich, doctor of History, assistant proafessor, SaintPetersburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Мendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Elena Vladimirovna Kuleshova, doctor of History, assistant professor, Institute of History, Saint-Peterburg State University (199034, Rossiya, Sankt-Peterburg, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 5)

Language: Russian

In this article an attempt is made to investigate the place of the biography of V. G. Vasilievskii, a well-known Russian scholar of the Middle Ages and of Byzantium, written by his student I. M. Grevs, in the latterʼs handwritten Nachlass. It is shown that many documents were associated with the name of I. M. Grevs, but there were also in his Fondin the Russian Academy of Sciencesʼ Archive many other peopleʼs documents that were lumped together in an emergency during the blockade of Leningrad in 1941–1943. Considering the documents that can be safely attributed to I. M. Grevs himself, we may find that his obituaries and biographies exhibit a pattern: he wrote about his intellectual colleagues, whose concepts and philosophy he well knew and employed in his own research and teaching. Thus the intellectual biography of V. G. Vasilievski, of I. M. Grevsʼ teacher, needs to be understood as an attempt to preserve the intellectual world in which I. M. Grevs developed as a researcher and to hint at the importance of the scholastic achievement of Russian medievalists in the times of Russian great upheaval

Keywords: : V. G. Vasilievskii, I. M. Grevs, history of Russian historical science, history of the Roman Empire, history of the Middle Ages

URL: http://proslogion.ru/71-grevs/

DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-101-122

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Overview of the All-Russian Interuniversity Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists «Kurbatov Readings — 2023»

Dmitrieva, M. I. Overview of the All-Russian Interuniversity Scientific Conference of Students, Postgraduates andYoung Scientists «Kurbatov Readings — 2023», in: Proslogion: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Social Нistory and Сulture, 2023. Vol. 7 (1). P. 211–231.

Marina Igorevna Dmitrieva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University (199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9)

Language: Russian

URL: http://proslogion.ru/71-dmitrieva/

DOI: 10.24412/2500-0926-2023-71-211-231

Creative Commons License